Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Full Day of Kindergarten

I anticipated how tired Sami was going to be after her first full day of Kindergarten, but I didn't anticipate that one almost-5 year old could melt down so repeatedly and so thoroughly within the span of about 3 hours.

Last year was preschool at the same location, so at least Kindergarten wasn't as traumatic for her as it might have been had she not attended half days of preschool there before. And they started last week with 3 half days, so she could kind of ease into it. But I just knew...

I could see it last year -- how she'd hold it together during the school day. Emotionally, physically, and mentally; she'd come home just to let it all loose from keeping it together in front of teachers and classmates. So I knew full days were going to be a challenge. I know she'll get used to it. But the poor thing.

She was so pathetically exhausted even she recognized in herself that she was -- ya know? At least 3 times she wailed to me, "I wanna go back to half days."

I told her we're all having a hard time, and of course I told her it will get better as we all get used to it and get into a better routine and rhythm.

And we are all trying to find a routine that works for us. This is a shift for our entire household and lifestyle, even. We've always been more of a late night / late morning sort of family what with Michael working until 10 at night. So all this early morning shuffle has us each upended in our own way.

It will get easier. Right? Won't it? Please say it will?

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